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as a trusted recruiting resource and a valuable source of knowledge and expertise for our clients, as well as an advocate for our candidates.


Jane Sarasohn Kahn
Health economist and advisor
Jane is a health economist, advisor and trend-weaver to organizations focused at the intersection of health, technology and people – especially consumers, patients and caregivers. Jane founded THINK-Health after working with healthcare consultancies in the US and Europe. Jane’s clients span the health/care ecosystem: technology, pharma and life sciences, providers, plans, retail, financial services and consumer goods. She founded the Health Populi blog in 2007. Jane advises on strategy via environmental analysis, scenario and strategic planning. She sits on many advisory boards and on the Board of Directors of The Clinic, a free clinic for residents. Jane is a frequent speaker, listed with AHA’s Speakers Express and Executive Speakers Bureau. Jane also contributes to the Huffington Post and Tincture. Jane holds an MA (Economics) and MHSA (Health Policy) from University of Michigan. While Jane loves her work, she is even more passionate about family and home, Slow Food and her local CSA, and living a full and balanced life.

Robert Egger
Equitable food access pioneer
Robert is the founder and CEO of L.A. Kitchen. He has been a leader in the food recovery/job training/social enterprise movement since 1989, when he founded the D.C. Central Kitchen, which he led for 24 years. Collectively, these businesses have used donated food to produce over 40 million meals, and helped over 1,600 men and women gain full-time employment. Robert is an award winning author (Begging for Change, HarperCollins), and a sought after speaker on subjects ranging from innovation, leadership, the role of nonprofits and social enterprise.

Katie Drasser
CEO, Rockhealth.org
Katie Drasser is the Chief Executive Officer at RockHealth.org (Rock Health’s social impact arm). Katie was previously the Managing Director of the Aspen Global Innovators Group. At the Aspen Institute, she led global efforts to address poverty alleviation, human rights, and social justice. Drasser has worked nationally and around the world on initiatives including HIV/AIDS treatment strategies in Romania, private health services delivery in Myanmar, and the scale up of Kenya’s national emergency medical system. She also spent time building a range of start-ups, designing a network of charter schools, and helping to build an ecosystem of social impact efforts like Good Capital, The Hub Bay Area, the Social Capital Markets Conference and Opportunity Collaboration.

Carlos Rodarte
Founder & MD, Volar Health
Carlos Rodarte is the Founder & Managing Director of Volar Health, where he helps innovative health companies refine their product strategy and rapidly commercialize their solutions. As a leading voice in digital health, he often discusses the need for human-first approaches, involving patients and consumers in their health, and the importance of accounting for context and everyday behaviors in health management. He previously founded HealthRhythms, a AI-driven digital health startup that utilizes smartphone sensors to better understand human behavior; early team member of PatientsLikeMe, where he oversaw the development of the companies sensor-research capabilities, strategic partnerships with life sciences organizations, and created their enterprise-focused subscription revenue model.

Dr. Ivor Horn
Director, health equity & product inclusion, google
Ivor B. Horn, MD, MPH is currently the Director of Health Equity and Product Inclusion at Google. Previously, she was the Chief Medical Officer at Accolade. Dr. Horn has over 20 years of experience in healthcare serving in leadership positions academic, clinical and technology settings throughout her career. Dr. Horn is a board-certified pediatrician. Prior to her role at Accolade, she served as Medical Director of the Center for Diversity and Health Equity at Seattle Children’s Hospital and Professor of Pediatrics at the University of Washington School of Medicine. In addition to experience practicing as a community-based primary care pediatrician, Dr. Horn has also been an NIH-funded investigator, whose research focused on healthcare communication and health disparities with an emphasis on how health information technology can be used to improve child health disparities. She has appeared as a medical expert on the Today Show, Good Morning America.